Friday, January 28, 2011

So many things...

So many things You have taught me this year. I think back, and know that You were there, even in the hardest times.
I've learned so many things this year. I've learned to trust You more, knowing You have a reason for everything.
So many things I still don't understand, but I know, You'll let me know in Your time.
So many things this year God, so many things that didn't make sense. Why did the hard things happen?
Why is this going on now? I don't understand. It hurts, it hurts bad...
You've taught me to trust in You. I try my best, to not question Your motives. Help me see, what this is You have in mind for me.
So many things, I see that they may have led to this. Maybe these things are going to help me now. Maybe these things are just hanging around for something bigger, something You have in store for me.
So many things God. So many things I wish I knew. So many things I wish I understood.
So many things I know that You understand. I know that these many things, You hold in You hand, hold in Your hand.
So many things I hope to accomplish, so many things I want to do.
So many things I won't do, so many things I won't want to do.
So many things I'll trust You in. So many things You will help me through.
Thank You God, for the many things You have done. The many things You will do.
Help me understand the many things that You send my way. Help me to trust You in the many things, the many things I'll see. Help me to know You are there for me, in the many things of life.
So many things God, so many things...

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