Saturday, April 9, 2011

4 Words

Jesus in my place. The Gospel in it's simplest form.

You look at this and think, well, there's gotta be more to it than that! Nope.

It's not Jesus, plus this. No, Jesus....end of story.

It's not Jesus, plus that. I get to go to heaven now. No, Jesus in my place.

It's Jesus, now...
It's Jesus, now I want to love orphans.
It's Jesus, now I want to love the homeless.
It's Jesus, now I want to help those in need.
Jesus, now I want to tell others of His awesomely awesome love for them.

We do, because of what's done.
We do, because of Jesus did.
Not because we have to. Because now, we want to.

"It is already done for you.
The only work that will get you to heaven is the work that has already been done on the Cross." -Jason Gaston

Sometimes it can be hard to remember that, I know it is for me. I have to remind myself of this often.

Well, that's my random thought of the day.

~Teen Jesus Follower


  1. Amen Erin...that's why when folks ask when and where was I saved, my answer is, about 2000 years ago, on hill called Calvary...

  2. Awesome post about an awesome truth Rin!

