Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Savior, One Love

One Love.

One Man.

Countless sins.

Countless wounds.

Blood spilled.

Love poured out.

Sinners, made clean.

One Savior.

One Perfect Sacrifice.

One Love.

Me, a sinner, dragging through the muck of sin. My burdens, weighing down on my back. Feeling alone. I'm falling into a hole. Darkness fills my being, threatening to choke me. I can't see.

One Love.

One Man.

Countless sins.

Countless wounds.

Blood spilled.

Love poured out.

Sinners, made clean.

One Savior.

One Perfect Sacrifice.

One Love.

I fall on my face. I can't go on. My sins, burdens, pushing me down. I'm a dirty, selfish sinner, with no hope of ever getting through on my own.

One Love.

One Man.

Countless sins.

Countless wounds.

Blood spilled.

Love poured out.

Sinners, made clean.

One Savior.

One Perfect Sacrifice.

One Love.

A hand touches my shoulder. My burden begins to lift. I look up into eyes, eyes that look straight into my heart. 

Who are you?

One Love.


One Man.

I hurt.

Countless sins.

How can I get help?

Countless wounds.

What will take these burdens away?

Blood spilled.


Love poured out.

Sinners, made clean.

One Savior.

One Perfect Sacrifice.

One Love.

Believe in Me. I'll take these burdens, I'll make you white as snow. Through My work on the Cross, I'll show you My love.

-The Son of God, Jesus Christ, came down to the earth. He left His seat on the right hand of God. He came and was born in a manger. He lived among us, felt what we feel, shared in our pain, wept with us.
He came and lived a perfect life. He did this for us, sinners. God loved us enough to send His Son so that we could one day live with Him and worship Him.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."
The world. He loved the world enough to die and raise again. He broke the chains of death. He defeated the darkness with His light.
Now we who were once lost, are made free through the blood of Jesus.
Believe in Him and He will make you a new man.
No matter how far you think you are, you're never to far for His love, His redemption, for the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
One Savior.
One Perfect Sacrifice.
One Sinner made new.
One Love.

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