Friday, August 19, 2011


With salvation, though it is free, there is a cost. This is something I learned at camp this summer.
People will tell you, being in the family of God will give you a grand life! You'll be prosperous and free! No pain!


Don't get me wrong, being in the family of God, being in the Kingdom IS awesome! It gives you the true joy only Jesus can bring.
Life can be great, but it might not always be easy.

"WAIT!" I'm sure you're saying. "I don't live in those countries where Christians are killed and persecuted. How is my life not always going to be the bee's knees?"

True, we are not tortured, jailed, killed for loving Jesus and being His follower, but we can still be persecuted. It's just in different ways.


This is one that most people will face. It's one that I have personal experience with.


To be in the Kingdom of God, to follow Jesus, there will be rejection. Not everyone wants the message, not everyone will understand.
In public schools, some people will scoff at the idea of staying pure til marriage, not getting high, or even being kind to the people that hate you. They don't understand, so they reject you. This is the kind of persecution most teenagers face. Friends turning their backs on them because of what and Who they believe.

But sometimes, its not just the unbelievers that shun can be fellow Christians as well.

I think this is the kind of rejection that hurts the most. People you feel should be rejoicing with you, helping you along. People you think will be okay with your decision, the one you feel like God is telling you to make. You think they will be like 'whoa! Totally awesome! Go for it!' The reaction that hurts is 'what? You're joking...' or 'I will never speak to you again, why would you do that?'


It hurts, I know. It always does, but that is part of the cost.


Following Jesus, you will be rejected, scoffed at, persecuted.

Well, this has been really uplifting hasn't it? But don't worry I have one more thing to tell you.

True, rejection hurts. At times, you want to give up trying to do anything. It just hurts so badly, but hear me say this:

When you are rejected, remember this, it is NOT you they are rejecting.


Who they are rejecting? Let me tell you, Him. Uh huh, it's WHO's will you're following. That is the Person they are rejecting. They are turning their noses up at Jesus, not you. True, it feels like it's you, but technically they would probably still like you if you didn't know Jesus, if you didn't let Him change your life, or if you didn't 'put on your new self'. Jesus makes people uncomfortable because most don't want to change, they don't want anything to change about them or you. Change scares people, so they will harden their hearts and reject Him and His followers.

The only thing that will wake them up, well, really it's not the only thing, it's the only ONE that'll wake them up to the darkness they are sinking in is Jesus. He can change lives. His love is the only thing that can bring someone from the dark into the light. His love will shine through their doubts, their fears, their unwillingness. It just might take awhile.

Doesn't mean you should give up. You should respect their decision, but never give up. Just live a life for Christ and they will see. Show His love. Show His mercy. Show His works. Be His light shining in a world of darkness(Phil. 2:15).

Also, on a side note, I have found this out and the camp pastor mentioned this too.
When you are rejected, it forms a closeness to God you wouldn't have otherwise. He won't give you trials He doesn't think you can't handle. He sometimes 'prunes'(John 15) the branches to make them stronger.

~Teen Jesus Follower~

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